
Business Lawyer

Relentless Guardian 

Michael exposes liars and upholds the truth.

As a litigator and national trial attorney at Callagy Law, Michael was a Relentless Guardian and an indispensable leader in co-creating two of America's top 100 jury verdicts, the 1st Arizona in 2016 ($27.6 million) and the 4th largest in the State of New Jersey in 2014 ($33.4 million). In 2022, Michael was again honored with a top 50 jury verdict (#47) in the State of Texas.

Michael has successfully argued and won cases in courts across the country including the United States Court of Appeals for the 2nd, 3rd, 5th, and 9th Circuits; State Trial and Appellate Courts; the New Jersey Supreme Court; and has even been admitted to the United States Supreme Court.

As a business and corporate lawyer, Michael confronts challenges, reveals unspoken objections, and brings absolute certainty to make sure your deal gets done.

Michael attacks every matter with immense caring, unstoppable urgency, and ferocious aggression to achieve the firm's mission: to fundamentally change the way people feel about lawyers, one client at a time.

Callagy Law

4th Largest Jury Verdict in New Jersey 

66th Largest in the Entire United States

1st Largest Jury Verdict in Arizona

75th Largest in the Entire United States

Relentless Guardian

One of the greatest gifts in life is getting fulfillment from contributing and giving back. Because of this, I try to provide as much of the learnings I received from my mentors - including and especially my law partner, Sean Callagy - so that others can use the trajectory-changing wisdom I acquired throughout my life and career.  

Here are a few of the articles I have written (as well as a link to more articles). 

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